NCFE Level 1 – Award in Travel & Tourism

These qualifications aim to:

  • provide learners with an understanding of the basic principles of the travel and tourism industry and allows them to explore the various avenues of work within this industry.
  • allow learners to gain transferrable skills that can be applied to the workplace or further study.

While completing these qualifications, learners may develop the knowledge, understanding and essential skills employers look for in employees. These range from familiar ‘key skills’ such as team working, independent learning and problem solving, to more tricky to-measure skills such as:

  • an appreciation for appropriate behaviour and dress
  • appropriate interpersonal skills
  • personal manners and deportment
  • understanding work practices and how different roles and departments function within an organisation.

The award consists of four units ( 2 mandatory and 2 optional):
These qualifications consist of 2 graded mandatory units:

  • Unit 01 Customer service in travel and tourism (3 credits)
  • Unit 02 Communication skills in travel and tourism (3 credits)
  • Unit 12 Working as a team in travel and tourism (3 credits)
  • Unit 11 Problem solving in travel and tourism (3 credits)

Six months
Internally assessed workbook. Candidates must successfully complete all four mandatory units to be awarded the NCFE Level 1 Award in Travel & Tourism.
Entry Requirements:
*A minimum age of 18
*A good level of written English

*Course commencement – Subject to number of student applications
